Now very much retired and enjoying a life spent partly in Bromley and partly in Berlin, and particularly enjoying watching our growing number of grandchildren growing up, I still do some work, almost entirely taken up with translating. My IT days and web management days seem long ago now, and my days in the world of Education even longer, but I still follow these worlds with interest.
My translation work is shared with my wife Maria. We usually translate from German to English, where our combined strengths are particularly useful in ensuring that we have fully understood the meaning of the original text (Maria is a native German speaker) and that the English is fully idiomatic. Having each other to proof-read our work allows an additional level of rigour to our work, which is undertaken with the highest level of professional care and attention. We occasionally see our work in official documents or hear the gist of our translations of press releases on radio broadcasts. Most of the work is somewhat transient - a web page, a press release, a newsletter, read today, gone tomorrow. Some of it has been published in book form, where we appear as a foot note or in the acknowledgement section. One lengthy and phenomenally technical translation led to the award of a post-doctoral thesis for the original author and ultimately to a change in EU standards in the construction industry.
Most of our translation work is for organisations in South Tyrol, where German is very much in use. The bi-lingual nature of this region (or rather tri-lingual - Ladin is still spoken by numerous people and is very much a proud and live feature of the area) means that we often find ourselves tackling small amounts of Italian as well.
We have translated for tourist organisations, museums, art galleries and business and technical institutions as well as for a higher educational institution. Translating for an art gallery in South Tyrol led to some more extensive work for an art gallery in Austria.
If you are interested in the kind of work we do, please contact me.
Publications which might be available for purchase
- Tower to the People - Journeys through Art and Science, European Academy of Bozen/Bolzano, Folio Verlag
- Josef Rainer - Synapsen - 3-di-men-sional, Edition Longo
- Emilio Vedova/Arnulf Rainer - Tizian schaut, Arnulf Rainer Museum, Walther und Franz König
- 200 Jahre Frauenbad, Arnulf Rainer Museum, Deutscher Kunstverlag
- In Memoriam Corneliu Baba, in RA Monitorul Oficial
My background is in Education. I taught in secondary schools for many years, and then I worked at NCET - Becta - on a variety of projects to do with the use of ICT in teaching and learning. On leaving Becta I undertook a number of projects including web site support. I edited existing sites, tinkered with them to improve the way that they displayed, re-wrote them, and then later I began to develop web sites from scratch. For the technically minded, these sites included flat HTML sites, sites with PHP routines, sites which were largely running out of MySQL databases using Perl or PHP routines. There were sites which ran on Apache servers, sites on a First Class server and even on an IIS server with ASP, and there were several examples which exploited Digital Brain's London Grid for Learning routines. As web expectaions for accessibility increased, many of these sites were then completely re-written to be accessible and to display successfully on the full range of devices from small smartphones through tablets to full-scale PCs.
As I am no longer selling these services I have removed all my boaster links, but if anyone needs access to ancient archived educational materials from the Talent Consortium or Lewisham Literacy Strategy, please contact me for the link.